Looking to apply for an Opportunity Scholarship? We are here to help!
Applications for Opportunity Scholarships (LB753) are open from February 10 to April 11, 2025.
Late applications will be processed and assessed if funds remain.
Please read carefully as the repeal of school choice education scholarships (LB1402) in Nebraska has created a dramatic shortfall of funds for future LB753 scholarships.
Can you quickly remind me what the difference between LB753 and LB1402 scholarships are?
LB753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act, was passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2023. This program incentivized contributions by Nebraska taxpayers toward scholarships through tax credits. In 2024, LB753 scholarships were awarded to eligible students. Since that time, LB753 was repealed. However, sufficient funds remain to provide scholarships to a limited number of eligible students.
LB1402 was passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2024 and provided scholarships funded by the state. In November 2024, LB1402 scholarships ended when a ballot referendum led by special interest groups looking to end school choice in Nebraska repealed a critical part of LB1402. Prior to the election, one round of LB1402 scholarships was provided. Due to the referendum, no future LB1402 scholarships can be awarded.
How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for this round of LB753 scholarships?
If your child(ren) received an LB753 Opportunity Scholarship and are continuing their education at a qualifying private school, they are top priority and should definitely apply!
If your child(ren) did not previously receive a scholarship under LB753, you may still apply if you have a student entering Kindergarten, 9th grade, or transferring from a public school. They may also qualify if they are the sibling of an Opportunity Scholarship recipient. However, remaining LB753 funds are limited. Please scroll below this FAQ for more details about eligibility.
How do I know if I received an LB753 scholarship from Opportunity Scholarships of Nebraska (OSN) in the past? (If you received a scholarship from another scholarship granting organization like Children’s Tuition Fund or MACS, you should contact them).
OSN administered LB753 scholarships in the summer and early fall of 2024. The quickest way to determine if you previously received an LB753 scholarship is to check your existing FACTS account and look at your record of awards. You can also call your school to verify, search for an awarding email from OSN and FACTS, or email us at info@nebraskaopportunity.org
What if I received an LB1402 Education Scholarship (now repealed) but not an LB753 Opportunity Scholarship?
Receiving only an LB1402 Education Scholarship does not automatically qualify a student for an LB753 scholarship. OSN partnered with Odyssey to administer LB1402 Education Scholarships in the fall of 2024, but that is a different program with different requirements from LB753. Sadly, LB1402 was repealed last November. However, if your student meets the general requirements of LB753 (described below), they may qualify to receive an LB753 Opportunity Scholarship.
What if I received both an LB1402 Education Scholarship and an LB753 Opportunity Scholarship?
Great question and great news – you are a priority applicant because you did receive an LB753 Opportunity Scholarship. You should apply!
What if one of my children received an LB753 scholarship last year but I have another child for whom I’d like to apply?
We encourage you to apply for a sibling who lives in the same residence with a current LB753 Opportunity Scholarship recipient. However, with limited LB753 funds remaining, OSN’s top priority is to provide Opportunity Scholarships to prior recipient students who remain eligible, so that they can benefit from continuity in their education.
You mentioned the repeal of the education scholarship (LB1402) funds. What happened?
Opponents of education freedom, led by the state’s teacher’s union, spent over $7,000,000 to take scholarship funding from families like yours. If you are interested in advocating for more school choice in Nebraska, please contact info@nebraskaopportunity.org.
How can I help Nebraska bring back school choice and join the 48 other states with some form of education freedom?
Nebraskans love school choice and programs are flourishing around the country. We need your voice and stories to help fund parents to make the best decisions for the education of their children. Find your senator here and let them know how important this issue is to you. If you’d like help advocating contact us at info@nebraskaopportunity.org
Student Eligibility
LB753 includes a mandatory tiered priority system. In order to qualify for an LB753 scholarship, an eligible student must meet one of the following criteria in this tiered priority system:
First priority: Eligible students who have received an LB753 Opportunity Scholarship during the previous school year, or who are the sibling of a current Opportunity Scholarship recipient living at the same residence as the recipient.
Second priority: Eligible students who are entering kindergarten, 9th grade, or transferring from a public school. If this is your situation, you will be prioritized using remaining LB753 dollars (if any exist) in the following order:
Eligible students in families whose income is up to 100% of the Federal Poverty level; or who have been assigned an Individualized Education Plan*; or who have one or both parents actively serving in a branch of the armed forces or the National Guard or who has lost their life in the line of duty*; or who have experienced any of the following at school: bullying, harassment, hazing, assault, battery, kidnapping, robbery, sexual offenses, threat or intimidation, or fighting *; or who are in the foster care system*; or who have been denied option enrollment to a public school district*.
Eligible students in families whose income is above 100% and at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (Reduced Lunch Qualifier).
Eligible students in families whose income is above 185% and at or below 213% of the Federal Poverty Level (CHIP qualifier).
Eligible students in families whose income is above 213% of the Federal Poverty Level and at or below 300% of the Reduced Lunch income guideline.
* Requires extra documentation.
Scholarship Awards
LB753 scholarships cannot exceed the tuition and fees at the eligible nonpublic school chosen by the family, and the average scholarship distributed cannot exceed 75% of the state's cost to educate a public school student.
Parents of returning students should expect decreased scholarships as compared to 2024, because no new LB753 contributions can be accepted.
Scholarships may be used on the following:
Tuition: any amount charged by a qualified school for enrollment in its instructional program.
Fees: charges directly related to the education of an eligible student.
For more information about the program and eligibility, visit nebraskaopportunity.org.
To apply for a scholarship, contact the school of your choice for the application!